10 Easy Networking Tips, for Those Who Hate Networking.


Networking has gotten a bad reputation as an awkward, uncomfortable process involving strangers and small talk. Most entrepreneurs (especially creative ones) tend to avoid networking because we fear having to sell ourselves or our services. However, face-to-face meetings have been instrumental in growing my own design studio and I’ve also acquired a few tips and tricks from working in corporate America for 5 years before that.

If you are feeling burnt out by the social media content/ algorithm hampster wheel - this is for you.

01. Arrive early - there is nothing more intimidating than walking into a room filled with people already engrossed in conversations. Why do that to yourself?

02. Offer assistance - If there is someone working the table at the door, ask them if they need help or water. Think about it - they have the names of everyone at the event. If you can circle back with them later, they might be able to introduce you to your perfect client/mentor/new friend.

03. Make it fun - you can’t enjoy the charcuterie board before you get 3 new business cards. / Don’t even think about visiting the bar until you get 5.

04. Do NOT bring a friend - it’s intimidating to others and will inhibit your ability to connect one-on-one. Plus, you will already have one when you meet the greeter (#2).

05. If you must bring a friend - make it a challenge (refer to point 3) and hold each other accountable after.

06. Ask more questions vs. tell stories. People love to talk about themselves, so show interest in learning more about them.

07. If you are at a loss for words - compliment. Compliments are the easiest entry point into any conversation and an immediate ice-breaker.

08. Bring business cards! If you don’t have any yet - simply mention that they're at the printers.

09. Have a short elevator pitch but save the business talk for the follow-up. The goal of networking is to build relationships, not pitch your services. There will be plenty of time for that once a real connection has been made.

10. FOLLOW UP!! A simple email or LinkedIn message can go a long way and show how much you care about your business and them. It’s unfortunate how many people do not do this simple step. (This step alone led to thousands of dollars, multiple projects, and allowed me to be 1 of 5 people in the room of a Fortune 500 company talking about their marketing strategy and challenges!)

In Conclusion

With the right mindset, networking can be an invaluable opportunity to make new connections and grow your business. Leave the sales talk for later, have fun, and ask lots of questions. You'll find that networking is not nearly as scary or awkward as you thought. The rewards of face-to-face interactions far outweigh the risks of discomfort.

All the Best,



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